Badgeland was born in Milan in 1982 with the idea of proposing the button badge to Italian communication agencies. Since then, in Italy, the button badge has been adopted as a powerful and flexible communication tool, suitable for the most varied situations and the most interesting graphics.
In almost forty years, Badgeland has produced, for Italian and French agencies, millions of advertising badges, thanks to reliability, the quality of printing and especially the precision of deliveries.
This was accompanied by the production of molded and enamelled metal pins, shaped metal and PVC key rings and all kinds of magnets, specific for the advertising message. [and other new practical and strong communication objects]
Some customers
These are just a few of the logos that have appeared on our badges:
Akai, Alfa Romeo, Alitalia, American Express, Amnesty International, Aprilia, Ariston, Armani, Atari Videogames, Bacardi, Banca D’America e d’Italia, Burghy, Carlsberg, Chaffoteaux et Maury, Champion, Cimbali, Commodore, Diesel, Disney, Emergency, Ericsson, Ferrarelle, Ferrari, Fila,Fiorucci, Gardaland, Greenpeace, Gruppo Editoriale Giunti, Hewlett Packard, Husquarna, Hyundai, IBM, Ikea, Illy Caffè, Italtel, Kinder Ferrero, Fiat, FNAC, Lacoste, Land Rover, Latte Tigullio, Lega Italiana per la Lotta ai Tumori, Levis, Lindt, Loacker, Loctite, L’Oreal, Lucky Strike, Mars, Maserati, Milkana, Minolta, Missoni, Mitsubishi Electric, M&M’s, Moschino, MTV, Myspace, NCR Corporation, Nielsen, Nokia, Olivetti, Otis, Paluani, Panasonic, Peugeot, Purina, Raiuno, Rank Xerox, Reebok, Retequattro, Royal Canin, Saint Gobain, Samsonite, Sanyo, Scania, Secco, Shell, Sikkens, Simmenthal, Smemoranda, Sony, Sperry, Stefanel, Stigler, Suzuki, Tamoil, TDK, Tuborg, Tupperware, Tyrolia, Ufficio Nazionale Svizzero per il Turismo, Vodafone, Warner Bros, Wella, Western Union, Wirtgen Macchine, Wrangler, WWF

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